From professionals for professionals
To the satisfaction of Metro Cash & Carry Nederland, the ICT specialists of CIMSOLUTIONS have worked on various projects in the role of Information Analyst, Functional and Technical Application Manager, Software Designer, Software Developer and Tester. Projects have been executed in a CDM (Oracle Custom Development Method) manner, whereby software has been developed in close contact with end users:
- For the implementation of the online channel for the Catering Delivery Service a discount application has been introduced. With this new application the different discounts are automatically synchronized with the new webshop.
- In a complex application landscape, consisting of various integrated customer and cash register systems, a savings program was introduced for all customers.
- For all components of the Makro Business System (MBS) application management has been performed and extensions have been realized. The system consists of a head office, a branch and an intranet section.
- Makro provides more than 1.1 million party packages and end-of-year gifts annually. The functional and technical application management of the custom software for party packages was provided. Fiscal regulations have been adjusted frequently in recent years, resulting in changes to software.
- Application management for the financial system PATR (Personnel Administration and Time Registration) and support was provided for the conversion to SAP HR (Human Resource).
- Software development for the ‘shooting zeros’ process in the store, where information about empty shelves is collected by scanning shelf cards in order to improve the quality of the inventory information and the replenishment process.
- Intranet Supplier Scorecard created with KPIs on various disciplines within Metro. Based on this Service Level agreements with suppliers are monitored and analyzed.
- Designed and developed Supply Chain Management reporting accessible via intranet.
- Introducing new VAT rates.