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Framework agreement

CIMSOLUTIONS has been awarded a tender for hiring ICT professionals from the Ministry of Justice and Security

The Ministry of Justice and Security has awarded a framework agreement to CIMSOLUTIONS following a public tender, with Brunel and SLTN as consortium members and Verdonck, Klooster & Associates, Cavero, OPEN.Satisfaction and ITIUM as subcontractors. The framework agreement entered into force on 4 November 2024, has a maximum term of four years and a maximum contract value of €588,000,000 (ceiling amount). A total of seven parties have been contracted.

The following organisations are part of the framework agreement: the Ministry of Justice and Security (including the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security and the J&V Inspectorate), the National Cyber ​​Security Centre, the Scientific Research and Data Centre, the Judicial Information Service, the Child Protection Council, the Public Prosecution Service, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, the Dutch Probation Service, the Dutch Victim Support Foundation, the Judiciary, the Victims of Violent Crimes Fund and the independent administrative body the Netherlands Gambling Authority.

“We are extremely proud to have the Ministry of Justice and Security as our client. The ministry is a client with interesting assignments and projects in an advanced ICT landscape, which for some participants is subject to change and innovation. This framework agreement offers opportunities to our specialists and also further growth opportunities for CIMSOLUTIONS in the coming years. We look forward to a pleasant collaboration,” says Moynul Hossain, director of CIMSOLUTIONS.

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