CIMposium AI: The promise and the practice
How do you successfully implement AI?
How do you successfully implement AI?
With the rise of advanced AI systems such as ChatGPT, many organizations have started AI projects or are about to start. The promise of AI is enormous: more efficient processes, increased productivity, better decision-making and realization of innovative products and services. But how do you start with AI? And what to do when the progress and results of AI projects are ‘disappointing’? For example, Gartner concludes in recent research that 30% of (Gen-)AI projects are likely to stop before the end of 2025. The main reasons for stopping are poor data quality, inadequate risk management, escalating costs or unclear business value.
During our CIMposium on Tuesday 15 October 2024 in the NBC Congrescentrum in Nieuwegein, we will take you through the practice of AI implementations where the mix of optimism and realism will help you to make a well-considered (re)start with AI in your organization.
15.30 – 16.00: Reception
16.00 – 16.10: Keynote by your host Rick de Jong
16.10 – 16.40: “AI: Opportunities, possibilities and solutions. A positive and realistic perspective” by Marten Rozema of CIMSOLUTIONS
16.40 – 17.10 uur: Practical case by Eric Brekelmans of the Ministry of the Interior and Roy Dijkstra of CIMSOLUTIONS
17.10 – 17.30 uur: Break
17.30 – 18.30 uur: Interactive Break-out Sessions
18.30 – 20.30 uur: Opportunity to chat during the dinner buffet
20.30 uur: End
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to increase your knowledge of AI, gain valuable insights and expand your network. Register for our CIMposium today and prepare your organization for the future of AI.
Our CIMposia are in Dutch.