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Agile Consulting & Coaching

Organizations are faced with rapid changes in customer needs and technological developments; agility is essential. At CIMSOLUTIONS we are specialists in Agile Consulting and Coaching and we help companies with Agile working so that they can operate more flexibly, efficiently and customer-oriented. Our specialists guide organizations with complete Agile transitions, but can also provide optimizations, training, workshops and knowledge sessions - as needed.

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Agile Consulting

Companies and organizations have often already started on a small scale – think of team level – with a form of agile working. This can be a trigger to want to expand this further. In addition, it may be that consideration is given to which ‘framework’ this can best be done within the context, as organization-specific factors play a role. Agile Consultants from CIMSOLUTIONS can advise and provide practical guidance to your company in all phases of an agile transformation. In addition to thorough training (and associated certifications), they also have practical experience, with which they can ensure that your transformation runs as smoothly as possible. Your organization can also be served ‘customized’; from a quick determination of the starting position (Quick-Scan) to advice and, where desired, personal and team guidance, including various training courses.

Agile Coaching

The introduction of agile working, or moving to a ‘next level’ within it, brings about changes in Roles and Responsibilities. Our Agile Coaches help to make this clear, whereby we guide specialists, teams and managers in growing towards the desired mindset, skills and structure. This translates into improving collaboration, delivering more and faster business value and increasing productivity.

Our coaches also guide your organizations in setting up internal Communities of Practice (CoP) for various roles. For example, consider a CoP for Scrum Masters, Product Owner/Managers, Releases Train Engineers, etc. This contributes to the goal of having the organization operate independently in this.

Curious about what this looks like in practice? Watch the video in which our colleague Richard de Ridder explains how he advises organizations as an Agile Consultant.


CIMSOLUTIONS is not bound to a specific methodology or framework – such as Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Nexus or LeSS. This allows us to advise, support and guide your organization ‘tailor-made’.

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What I like about consulting is that you can actually do a different assignment every few years.

I have been working for CIMSOLUTIONS since 2016. I have been working for a government institution in The Hague for about 3 years now, where I work as an agile consultant. What I like about my job is that I work intensively with people. Where you grow as a team. Where you see teams getting better.

I like that when I am assigned to a client, you stay a little longer to really be able to contribute to the client. To also build a bond with the client. But I also notice that after a few years, I become too comfortable and I also need a new trigger to activate myself. And it helps that CIMSOLUTIONS gives me the space to look for a new assignment.

There is a lot of room for self-study, for personal development. We also receive an annual training budget for this. Which you can spend on your current role. Suppose you want to grow into a new role, then there are also opportunities to use your budget for that. You are not bound to a specific framework in that.

I started as a developer in the past, but I quickly noticed that my heart was more in the intersection between IT and business, to be in between. To translate the wish of what the customer really wants, to translate that into an IT solution.

Within CIMSOLUTIONS we have Special Interest Groups and Competence Centers. One of the most important goals is to make each other better in the field or fields that you want to learn from in order to be able to grow in that. I am in the Competence Center of Agile and SAFe myself, where I share knowledge with other colleagues regarding those subjects, but also gain knowledge that I can then apply to the customer.

I chose CIMSOLUTIONS because I immediately got the feeling that I was in a warm bath. Where you are not a number, where you have the idea that you are listened to as a person and about your needs. That also fits much better with who I am.

What I like to maintain a bond with my CIMSOLUTIONS colleagues is that activities are regularly organized. Branch meetings and every year we go away for a weekend where the partners are also invited. I do notice that I maintain a much stronger bond with my colleagues because of that.

So does it appeal to you? Just come work with us!

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